Now , we are producing and offering for domestic market and export :
Fabrics for bed sets , dresses , blouses , work equipment and home textile :
- white or printed sheeting , 100 – 145 gr/sqm , width 140 – 160 cm ;
- poly/cotton or viscose/cotton , printed for bloses and dresses for summer ,
width 150 cms ;
- Brushed fabrics – flanel , for bed sets , pijamas , printed or colored ;
- Twill fabrics for work equipment , uni colored , resistent on rubbing ; width
150 cms , 200 – 270 gr/sqm .
- Twill fabrics 100% polyester for work in acid atmosphere l 150 cms , 278
gr/sqm .
- Kitchen towells and table clothes , printed or in woven colored yarns .

Fabrics type satin – 100% cotton , meant for table clothes and bed sets
, 150 , 160 cms , white , colored or in woven stripes .
Binding satin can be uni or in stripes .
The dyeings are made with resistent dyestuffs for washing at 95 degree C .
Fabrics for military equipment , from 100% combed cotton or in blend
with polyester /cotton ;
- printed in camouflage designs upon the technical limits of NATO .
- special fabrics typ RIPSTOP printed with camouflage designs , made from
combed yarns with a net of polyesterfor shirts or equipment . Th dyeing and
printing are made upon the infrared absorbtion limits of NATO equipment .

Reday made textiles : bed sets , dresses , pijamas , blouses , shirts ,
trosers , skirts , military equipment , work equipment – all made from fabrics
made in Vastex .
Military equipment : shirts , trousers for sommer and winter , heavy overcoats
Products for hospitals :
1. Bed sets or separate pieces : made from fabrics 100% cotton , white ,
colored or printed , 100 , 111 , 145 , 172 gr/sqm .
2. Gowns , suits or other equipments for doctors 100% cotton , 145 , 200 , 240
, 270 gr/mp 67/33 poly/cotton , 200 gr.sqm .
3. Pijamas made from 100% cotton fabrics , colored or printed .
4. Table clothes and towells – made from 1005 cotton , plain or in different
dobby designs .
Coton carded yarns , Nm 34 – 60 single or twisted , 100% cotton or in
blend poly/cotton .
Fabric type RIPSTOP for military equipment :
Width :
150 cms |
Composition :
83% ctton / 17% polyester net
Weight :
200 gr/sqm |
Finishing :
Fabric is first dyed and than overprinted with dyestuffs with an absorbtion index of infrared waves upon NATO standards
We cam make 2 variants : beige colors type “ desert “ and dark colors type “
forest “ .